Illinois Blue Fluorite With Calcite And Barite
Mineral: Rare Blue Fluorite With Calcite And Barite
Location: Minerva Mine #1, Cave-in-Rock Dist., Harden Co., Illinois
Measurements: 9 x 7.5 x 3.5 cm
Weight: 193.34 grams
Description: Stunning rare blue Fluorite plate with lots of clear calcite covering the front and back, as well as a cluster of Barite on the back.
A nice size rare blue Fluorite plate consisting of about 5 cubes around 3cm. Very nice blue with a small blue/purple section in the middle.
The brilliant sharp shiny calcites brings this piece to the next level. Just enough on the top to make this sparkle, with a much higher concentration on the sides and back. Most are double terminated as well!! A large(2cm) double terminated honey calcite hangs off the edge with a few other honey friends near it. The other calcites are mostly gemmy clear.
On the back near the large DT honey calcite, lays a cluster of small Barite blades. The piece has only one very small contact, so it’s primarily a fully mineralized floater.
A fantastic blue Fluorite plate with some beautiful sharp associated minerals makes this a must have from this world famous mine in Illinois.